Thursday 14 July 2011


FAO URGENTplease share asap:
Any person thinking of visiting Predal and helping to dismantle a puppy pen paid for by RAA, understand this. If you do this, you will be guilty of allowing 22 small puppies to be mauled,bullied and starved as prior to us paying for this no segementation was applied and continually (and we have evidence of this) the 22 puppies were continually screaming in pain as they were bitten,bullied and attacked by a number of adult dogs that the HOARDER keeps in her back garden. If you take that pen down you will promoting and taking part in Animal Abuse & Cruelty. We will be publishing a full report when back in UK with evidence of our stay in Predal, you will be horrified of what exactly is going on there....

UPDATE - This has come to our notice:
Mira Iordanescu
Please everybody,the author of this blog has crossed a very fine lineWhat she writes here is A LIE.A BIG BIG LIE.Silvia Muntean from Predeal IS NOT A HOARDER..So they went to Romania to denigrate people ? THIS WAS THEIR MISSION ? SHAME on them and their supporters.

Mira Iordanescu Please somebody contact the president of RAA...UNEXCEPTABLE...these people are LYING LYING LYING>..about almost everything...they distort the reality...NOTHING of what is written in this blog is true..NOTHING NOTHING>
Ask yourselves, if we wanted to degenerate a Romanian woman, would we have spent over a thousand pound helping her and the dogs so far, travelled from the United Kingdom and Holland to stay with her for 3 days. Again spent hundreds of pounds having to hire a vet to re-vaccinate the dogs,to treat old wounds and infections etc? Why on earth would we have spent all this money,dragged ourselves from our own families,when we simply could have done this online and it would have cost us nothing?

If this woman is not a hoarder, then could someone tell me what animal lover would continue to fill their yard with dogs and puppies after just a few months before having 6 puppies suffering with Parvo in that same yard, in a place where it would take over 2 years for the disease to have cleared the area? Every dog that enters that area (and is let loose to mix with others as gates open for them to walk around the neighbourhood) and walks amongst others in that area is at risk of spreading that disease onto others.

Why when it comes to actually putting things in place such as passports and vaccines does this woman go out of her way to mess things up? Causing them to be redone again and again.

Pens and safety areas put in place to contain the dogs for their own safety and in readiness for transport she dismantles/asks to be dismantled?

Why when it comes to speaking with local people who actually can help with the dogs does this woman start calling them names and drives them away from speaking with us or helping?

These are not lies, this is what happened, what we witnessed over and over again whilst visiting this womans premises. The post calling us a liar, allegedly to degenerate a Romanian is ludicrous and without any foundation. What we have actually done,money spent and continue to do, is not the actions of a group of people who want to degenerate anyone, it is of a group who have been supporting someone and only upon visiting them was awoken to what really was going on there. 

Keep in mind the person who wrote that we were liars,wrote how we were trying to degenerate a Romanian was the same person who emailed me (can be found within our blog pages) telling us to leave Romanians to it, that if we were to help this would make Romanians look stupid!

We are not the ones who are biased here, we are the ones who actually stayed for 3 days, witnessing with our own eyes what really is going on in Predal. Unlike the author of the warning note about us, we are not biased,we actually went to Romania,we actually are the only ones who have got off our backsides to actually try and help. 

Make what you want of the warning, if you wish to believe we are all liars and for some bizarre reason like to throw money at a stranger online only to give us an excuse to go over there and put her down and lie about her, then you believe what you want...It does not make any sense but hey, if you are stupid enough to believe that we would go to all that trouble to simply print lies about a person then each to their own.

We are not liars,the situation is far more serious than you could possibly believe. The warning of our alleged lies is from a xenophobic woman who has a personal grudge against a single RAA team member. If she wishes to continue her personal grudge then that is fine,let her continue this but only at the person concerned. Do not drag a personal grudge into a situation where dogs lives are on the line.....Now that is 
UNEXCEPTABLE, not us warning others against what their actions could cause to lives of innocent animals.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Diary - RAA Mission to Romania and the search for Little Grey

Dependent on Internet access in Romania, I will try and keep you all up to dated if I can on a daily basis of what we do, see,experience in Romania.
Videos will be easier to upload once I am home in the UK, but photos should not be a problem. I wont be censoring them, you will be seeing what we see, and also seeing where your donations are being used and of course, our search and hopefully rescue of Little Grey.

Before I haul my case through the door, I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the Fill-A-Box appeal, you will see for yourself what a difference each of you have made when I upload the photos etc. To Little Greys supporters...I promise,as God is my witness, I will do my very best to find our Little Grey, at the very least create so much attention with the authorities and locals we visit that something has got to shake loose...Like you guys, I am not giving up on him...

Well I had better get moving in a moment, picking up 1 of the 3 ladies who will be travelling this mad journey. Heading for London, then tomorrow at 11:45 we fly to Romania (Bucharest), please keep us in your thoughts and pray to whatever God you believe in that we are successful with our mission, that the animals that need the most help will find their way onto our path so we can help them.....and that someone,somewhere will lead us to Little Grey.
I will add the good and the bad on here,wont hold back a thing. That way you can share in the mad,sad,angry,frustrating,joyous,happy and barmy experiences with us.

Please wish me and my fellow RAA Ladies all the best, and please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Kendra  xxxx